Here's how it works!
As an example, we normally offer $525 for a used Shocker XLS. If you trade for a Luxe Ice, we'll give you an extra $80 for your XLS, for a total trade value of $605 towards the current selling price of the Luxe Ice ($1099.95 to $1199.95)
Ex: If you want the Gloss Purple Gloss Gold Luxe Ice - The selling price is $1099.95 (+ tax for CA residents), less $605 for your RSX trade, means $494.95 (more if you're a CA resident) out of pocket!!
If you're interested in trading for a Luxe Ice; please fill out the following trades form and state you would like to trade for a Luxe Ice. Please note: Inflated values for trade only applies to the Luxe Ice. If you change your mind after your appraisal and chose a different marker we'll have to adjust your appraisal accordingly.
Trades Form:
Here's our entire selection of Luxe Ices: